উচ্চমাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি সাজেশন 2023 | HS English Suggestion 2023

আজিজুল হাকিম

উচ্চমাধ্যমিক পরীক্ষার্থীদের সুবিধার জন্য শেষ মুহূর্তে কিছু গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রশ্ন পাঠিয়েছেন খট্টিমারি সুকান্ত বিদ্যাপীঠ হাইস্কুল এর ইংরেজির শিক্ষক আজিজুল হাকিম। 

1. Answer any two the following questions each in about 100 words: 6X2

i) "The man who had entered the compartment broke into my reverie"-- Who is the man? How did he break into the author's reverie? 1+5

ii) “ then I made a mistake.” Who made the mistake? Was it really a mistake? Answer briefly.

iii) “she had beautiful eyes, but they were of no use to her.” Whose eyes are referred to here? Why were they of no use to her?

iv) “October is the best time” How does the narrator describe the month of October in Mussoorie?

v) Bring out the significance of the tittle The Eyes Have It.

vi) "I have endeavoured to understand the fundamental truths....."-- What are the 'fundamental truths'? How can one achieve peace of mind according to Kalam? 3+2

vii) “His answer filled me with strange energy and enthusiasm” where did the line occur? What was the question? What was the answer?

viii) “this is not the correct approach” who said this and to whom? What approach is referred to here? Why is the approach is not a correct approach ?

ix) What did Kalam’s father say about the relevance of prayer?

x) "I'm very sorry lady, I'm sorry"-- Who is the speaker? Who is the lady? Why did the speaker say he was very sorry? 1+1+4

xi) Sketch the character of Mrs Jones in the story Thank You Ma’am.

xii) Sketch the character of Roger in the story Thank You Ma’am.

xiii) Why did the Tsar decide to meet the hermit? What happened then? 2+3

xiv) “You have already been answered” who said this and to whom? How was the person answered?

xv) “Forgive me said the bearded man.’’ Who was the bearded man ? why did he seek forgiveness?

xvi) What were the three questions of the tsar? Why did he need the answers of these questions?

2. Answer any two the following questions each in about en 100 words:=6X2

i) "It takes much time to kill a tree"-- Describe, after Patel, how a tree is killed.

ii) "In his side there are two red holes"-- What do the 'two red holes' stand for? How is the pity of war reflected in the line? 1+5

iii) How does Keats celebrate the music of earth in his poem 'The Poetry of Earth' ?

iv) "So long lives this and this gives life to thee"-- What does the word 'this' refer to ? Who is referred to as 'thee'? Explain the significance of the line. 1+1+4

v) Give the central idea of the poem On Killing a Tree.

3. Answer any one the following questions each in about 100 words: 6X1

i) Sketch the character of Natalya.
ii) Sketch the character of Chubukov
iii) Describe the quarrel over the Oxen Meadows.
iv) "What a weight off my shoulders....."-- Who says this? What is the speaker's weight? How is the speaker's weight off the speaker's shoulders? 1+2+3
v) Why is it impossible for Lomov not to marry? Bring out the social life as sketched in the play

6. a) Write a report on- 
1. Independence day celebration
2. Farewell ceremony of a teacher
3. Observance of Kanyashree Day in your school
4. Annual Function day
5. Teachers' day celebration
6. World environment day
7. Safe drive safe life campaign

b) Write a letter to the Editor-

1. Reckless driving
2. Unemployment problem
3. Child labour a scar
4. Misuse of microphone
5. Bad condition of hospital in your locality
6. Price rise of essential commodities
7. Misuse of mobile phones